22 Sep Ultrasound Scanner for Torbay Hospital
Since the association was formed in 1999 we have supported Torbay Hospital. In November 2020 we donated £65000 to the Urology Department at Torbay Hospital which purchased a new BK3000 Ultras High Resolution Ultrasound System. The funds have been raised by a truly magnificent Community effort over two years with the excellent help of so many parts of Torbay and surrounding areas. These substantial contributors include The Chestnut Appeal in Plymouth, the collaboration of the local Rotary Clubs, Churston Golf Club Senior Section, both Dainton and Teignmouth Golf Clubs. Babbacombe Lions
Club and Masons Clubs in Teignmouth. In addition there have been many excellent fantastic donations from individual members of the public as well as Davys House, Torquay Boys Grammar School. Thank you all for your support in helping us to achieve this Target. Hospital Staff have been trained to use the equipment and it is so pleasing to advise you that many men are already benefiting from this new addition to the Urology Department in Torbay Hospital. The results are proving to be highly satisfactory. The new apparatus has already been described as the difference between black and white television and a sophisticated version of a new smart TV. The fund raising has been led by the President Peter Hosking ably supported by his treasurer Darrell Fulford as well as the Trustees and has now been successfully concluded. We have now embarked on another venture and that is to provide a specialist chair costing approximately £17000 as soon as a permanent site is completed for the new items. Any additional donations to assist the purchase would be very welcome and most acceptable those donations should be sent to Darrell Fulford at Corbyns, Ridgeway Road, Torquay Road, TQ1 2HE.