
Ian Nightingale


Originally from the Midlands, my role in Human Resources lead me to move around the UK from North to South and East to West. Having overseas responsibilities necessitated a fair amount of overseas travel. Travel is one of my passions and I have been fortunate to travel to numerous countries, the most memorable ones being a 10 week flying around the world trip and a 6 month backpacking around South America in 2008.


I’m also a keen (although not very good) tennis player and play mainly in Newton Abbot.


Music is also another great interest and I enjoy the summer months when I can get in my campervan and head off to music festivals (sometimes as a volunteer steward).


In addition to my leisure activities I run a Coaching and Mentoring business,working with a variety of people of all ages, looking at things such as career management, job seeking skills or business development. I moved to Teignmouth in 2018 and currently due to domestic commitments travel between there and Leicester on a regular basis.


Early in 2018 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at the age of 59 and elected to have a Prostatectomy in November of that year. Following that I joined a Leicestershire Prostate charity co-ordinating a “Buddy Scheme” where guys who are newly diagnosed or undergoing treatment can be paired up with someone who had gone through the process earlier.


In August 2020 I was elected Chairman of TPSA and am keen to work with my fellow trustees and members to ensure we promote awareness of Prostate Cancer as widely as possible and offer appropriate support to members.

Trevor Wykes


I’m Trevor Wykes and am looking forward to being your new TPSA treasurer. I have worked in accountancy most of my life, my father used to have an accountancy practice in South London, and I only had short spells away from the profession when exploring alternative work experiences. After a failed attempt to retire I currently work freelance from home for a practice in Plymouth, all the work is on computer with remote links to the office in Plymouth. My main interests these days are travel and walking.


Because of my profession I have held treasurer positions for a few organisations so when I heard the vacancy at TPSA coming up I found myself volunteering my services as a way of giving back something that my cancer treatment has given me.


I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in July 2018 and decided to go the prostatectomy route with robotic keyhole surgery in October of that year, this followed by a full course of 33 radiotherapy sessions to “mop up”. By June 2019 my PSA was down to 0.01. My level stayed like this until late 2021 when it started to rise again and after tests was found to have metastasised in my spine. After consultation with Dr Lydon I was put on the drug Apalutamide which is working well having brought my level back down to 0.02 with no side effects apart from the usual hot flushes.


I am greatly impressed with the work that TPSA does in raising awareness and raising funds for hospital equipment etc, and look forward to being your treasurer.

Clive Richoux


I was born in 1951, in what is now the London Borough of Hillingdon &, having lived in Hampshire, Somerset & Gloucestershire, moved to Devon in 1984.
I was diagnosed with aggressive Prostate Cancer in 2017, aged 66. Like many men I was not aware of any symptoms & the Cancer was only diagnosed after the GP did a digital rectal examination, my PSA was between 6 & 7.


I had Hormone Therapy, High Dose Brachytherapy & External Beam Radiotherapy.

During, & after, active treatment I gained much from talking with other men, learning from their experiences. I also gained much from contacting the Specialist Nurses at Prostate Cancer UK.

Thus, my motivation for being a Trustee of TPSA is to enable the continuing existence of a local group. I am a great believer in our ability to learn, & gain support, from each other. We also need to ensure that the best services are available locally.

Robin Causley


I am currently the Funding Adviser, at Torbay Community Development Trust, informing and advising voluntary and community groups and social enterprises on all aspects of fundraising. I was formerly Chief Executive of Age UK Torbay and have wide experience and knowledge as regards all aspects of charity/voluntary sector management.


I have a BA Honours Degree in Political Theory and Institutions and Social Policy from Sheffield University; I am a Member of the Institute of Fundraising and am a Fellow of the School of Social Entrepreneurs.

Married with two children, I have lived in Torbay/South Devon all my life.
My hobbies and interests include watching Torquay United, rambling, social history and politics.

Mike Clay


I was born in Leicester in 1945 and moved to Devon when very young. I married my wife Gill in 1968 and we have two adult children and four grandchildren. My working life has been in the field of Private Banking dealing with high-net-worth clients which has involved me in many qualifications.  I am an Associate of the Institute of Bankers as well as holding the Investment Advice Qualification (IAC) and an adult teaching qualification which was useful when I headed HSBC’s technical training department.  I am also a qualified member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioner (STEP), which I have retained as a retiree.


Now retired, I enjoy videography, DIY, keeping abreast with Trust and Probate law and helping friends and neighbours with a range of problems and generally enjoying life with my lovely wife, Gill, of over 50 years, and holidays with our family and grandchildren.  I hope to use both my varied working experiences and my brush with Prostate Cancer to the advantage of the TPSA in helping to support others and I am excited by the prospect of being a trustee for the TPSA.

Gill Clay


I was born in 1945 in Kent to a Naval medical family. We moved to Devon in 1960 and I joined the Admiralty as a Secretary. I met my fellow Trustee, Mike, at the age of 17 and we were married in our 20s. We had two children and I stopped working to be a full-time mum moving about the southwest with Mike’s career. I returned to working life in Hampshire as an Activity Nurse/Secretary in a Private Nursing Home where I became involved with patients of all ages.


Although enjoyable and fulfilling, remuneration was poor and as our children continued education at University, I returned to Office life at Midland Bank (now HSBC) as an Investment Secretary until my retirement in 2005.  We returned to Torbay in 2007 to help our daughter with her young family. I love time spent doing photography and painting and regularly attend art classes. Until painful knees and back set in, I enjoyed gardening and we both loved the cruising life up until Covid and Mike’s Prostate Cancer diagnosis in 2020.


I am aware how important my support has been not only to Mike’s well-being, but also in supporting him through his treatment. Following a request at the recent AGM for more people to support the local TPSA Group, I offered my help as a Trustee. In this role I hope I can improve awareness of Prostate Cancer and the importance of PSA testing.  Also, I hope I can encourage more wives, partners and family members to become involved, as I believe they have an important role to play before and during treatment and may well welcome the opportunity to share their experiences in a friendly environment.

Debbie Hosking


I was born in 1964 in Malvern, Worcestershire, my father was in the bank, so we moved to Cheltenham, Henleaze, Almondsbury and finally Paignton. I finished my schooling in Devon before going to Dartford PE College. I retired in 2018, having taught PE for thirty two years at three schools in Devon. I spent my last ten years as a House Mistress of a Girls Boarding House. Hockey was a real passion, but I am keen on most sport, I was a county cricketer and a regional hockey player. I am a Governor of a local primary school, I sing in a choir, I am a member of the PCC, I am a Volunteer Peer Coach, I try to swim every day and I visit the gym three times a week.

I enjoy exploring the UK by coach and train. I also love Cyprus, although I have not been since lock down.


I am keen to continue my fathers legacy, he helped to establish the TPSA in 1999 when he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Mum and I have learnt about Prostate Cancer over the years, especially the changes in treatments during the past twenty years. It is an honour to be a trustee of such a worthwhile charity and to offer support to those who have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, as well as their family members.

Simone Bygraves


I have lived in Torbay for most of my life. My parents were
hoteliers in Torquay. I have been in hospitality since I left
school. I ran my own hotel in Cockington, with my husband, in
the 1980’s. I have 2 children and 4 granddaughters, whom I’m
very grateful for and love dearly.
My husband had prostate cancer for many years. We attended
meetings at TPSA, and found them very informative. We
appreciated the peer support, friendly and professional
I would like to contribute to the association and encourage
others to be tested early, raise awareness, and support
fundraising opportunities.

Paul Lloyd


I was born and bred in south East London, and after completing 3 science-based A levels at an inner-City Grammar school, I surprised myself (and my parents!) by finding myself standing on the steps of Britannia Royal Naval College as an Officer cadet, alongside Prince Andrew!

I trained as a Royal Navy Warfare Officer and Navigation specialist and spent the next 33 years in a career that I loved.  I travelled the World and met some great people.  Highlights of my career included Command of the patrol vessel HMS cygnet as a young Lieutenant; I navigated the aircraft carrier HMS ILLUSTRIOUS, and was the Commander of the helicopter carrier HMS OCEAN; I finished my Naval career as a Captain in command of the Surface Ship Flotilla based in Devonport.  One memorable, and exhausting 2 years was spent as the lead Joint planner in the UK’s Joint Force Headquarters, where I remained at 24 hours’ notice for the period of my appointment to move anywhere in the world in support of UK contingent operations.


On leaving the Royal Navy, my wife and I bought a couple of tourism related properties in Cockington Village on the outskirts of Torquay, including the derelict Cockington Water Mill, which we restored and refurbished bring it back to life as a tourist attraction, our home, and an ice cream parlour.  We love travelling, ballroom and Latin dancing, all live music, and Exeter Chiefs.

My cancer journey started in September 2023, when I was 62, and I had a chance PSA test with a private healthcare provider as part of a standard biennial health check.  With a recorded slightly raised PSA, I referred myself to my GP and the escalator started moving from then.  After NHS checks, MRI, and biopsy, I was formally diagnosed in mid-October 2023, and given the circumstances of my prostrate cancer, I elected to undergo laparoscopic robotic surgery at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital Exeter in January 2024.  The operation was a success, and, to date, I am cancer free, with a PSA of less than 0.01, and with few side effects.

I joined TPSA because I wanted to give something back for the care that I had received during my cancer journey, and to be an advocate to men to talk openly about their health issues, and to educate, and promote awareness, particularly on the need for early testing and diagnosis.

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Serving men of all ages and their family and friends, through a programme of support before, during and after diagnosis.

Maybe you can live without a PSA Test… But why take the chance?

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