Author: Luketom Dotcom

Following on from the success of the first event in June, we have established these events as a cornerstone for raising awareness of Prostate Cancer and the support available from TPSA. The next testing events will be held at the Livermead House Hotel on 3rd May...

Luncheon Update Great to see so many people at our New Year Lunch. We had some great conversations and it was nice to be able to spend time just chatting (which is difficult to do at a typical meeting). Hopefully we can do another during the...

On 8th February 2023 we are delighted to welcome back Helen Saxby who has kindly agreed to talk to us about developments at Torbay Hospital. This will be held at the Livermead House Hotel, Torquay. Commencing at 10.00 with coffee for a 10.30 start. Please...

Teignmouth resident Richard Hudson (52) recently completed the Exeter half marathon in support of the Torbay Prostate Support Association (TPSA) raising over £1,185 for the charity. £685 came from friends, family, neighbours and his employer Ground Control Ltd who specialise in Arboriculture, Grounds Maintenance...

At the April members meeting we were delighted to have a talk by Dr Anna Lydon who has been the Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Torbay Hospital since 1999. Most of her time is spent looking after men diagnosed with prostate cancer In agreeing to speak to...

Congratulations to our President Peter Hosking, who, in the New Years Honours List has been awarded the Order of the British Empire (BEM) for services to people with Prostate Cancer. Peter was one of the founders of TPSA back in 1999 and has since then worked...

Since the association was formed in 1999 we have supported Torbay Hospital. In November 2020 we donated £65000 to the Urology Department at Torbay Hospital which purchased a new BK3000 Ultras High Resolution Ultrasound System. The funds have been raised by a truly magnificent Community...

The Chairman met with Jenny Daly, Manager of The Lodge annexed to Torbay Hospital on 27th September The Lodge Cancer Support and Information Service provides advice, guidance and direct support to the population of Torbay, Teignbridge and South Hams a total of approximately 344,000 as...

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Serving men of all ages and their family and friends, through a programme of support before, during and after diagnosis.

Maybe you can live without a PSA Test… But why take the chance?

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