
Just to let you know that hopefully tomorrow ( Tuesday 25th February) ITV Westcountry News 6pm, will be covering the subject of Prostate Cancer from a patient's (my) point of view, what support is needed and changes that need to be made. Not sure what...

Here is a link to Naga Munchetty's radio 5 programme from last Tuesday 28th January. It is a 3 hour programme and there are 2 parts where prostate cancer is discussed, the first from 06:25 to 37:25 with a second part from 1:07:12 to 1:35:35. [button...

From 04 February 2025, people living in Brixham will be able to receive routine blood tests at Brixham Hospital. The new phlebotomy service will be offered twice a week from 9am to 1.20pm on Tuesdays and Fridays, supporting faster diagnosis and the monitoring of new...

In addition to the support available in TPSA from our Family and Friends team, there is a National Prostate Cancer Partners' Support Group, run by Janet Daykin & Caroline Prance. The dates for 2025 are :- Tuesday 28th January Monday 17th March Tuesday 29th April Monday 16th June Tuesday 22nd July Monday...

Breaking News: Proof that Screening Will Save Lives and Deliver Socio-Economic Benefits   Below is the content of an email our Chairman, Ian Nightingale received today from David James, head of Patient Projects at Prostate Cancer Research. Dear Ian I wanted you to be the first to know. Earlier today...

Many of you will have heard of the tragic incident on Sunday when a car entered the water in Dartmouth. It is with great sadness that I must let you know that the driver was John Osborne, one of our supporters. John was one of...

Many of us have had contact with Gill Dell from the Oncology Department at Torbay Hospital, either through their treatment or at one of our Supporters meetings. Below is the text of an email we received from her asking for feedback from our supporters before...

This is the service we spoke about at our last meeting. I don't know the funding/partnership arrangements, but I would think that anything that speeds up diagnosis thereby speeding up treatments has to be a good thing. A welcome addition in Torbay. Easier access via...

  Racing to save local mens lives. Unfortunately this event has been cancelled due to unfavourable racing conditions. We are hopeful that this event can be rearranged next year.     Just a reminder about our bucket collection at Newton Abbot Races on Saturday 19th October. This event has a...

On Saturday 3rd August, Trustees Debbie and Ian received a cheque for £1,000 from Les Parker a TPSA supporter and Committee member of Ye Olde Roundham Club, Paignton . A massive thanks to all the club members for raising such a tremendous amount....

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Serving men of all ages and their family and friends, through a programme of support before, during and after diagnosis.

Maybe you can live without a PSA Test… But why take the chance?

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