Next meeting reminder

Next meeting reminder


A timely reminder that at our next meeting will be on Wednesday 28th February at the Livermead House Hotel (10.00 for 10 30 start) our guest speaker will be from the NHS Bladder & Bowel care service. Hope to see you there.

Below is a link to the latest Prostate Cancer Uk’s campaign, teamed up with long-term partner TENA Men, the number one incontinence brand globally, to continue this crucial conversation on a national level. Their new film features three remarkable men who went through prostate cancer surgery and have opened up about the challenges of male incontinence.

The reality of urinary incontinence

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Serving men of all ages and their family and friends, through a programme of support before, during and after diagnosis.

Maybe you can live without a PSA Test… But why take the chance?

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