03 Oct Newton Abbot Racing Cancelled
Racing to save local mens lives.
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled due to unfavourable racing conditions. We are hopeful that this event can be rearranged next year.
Just a reminder about our bucket collection at Newton Abbot Races on Saturday 19th October. This event has a great opportunity to raise much needed funds for TPSA. If you are able to help us on the day from 12.30 until 5 it really would be appreciated. You will get a free ticket and have the opportunity to enjoy the racing. Please let me know if you can help.
Contact:[email protected]
We are delighted to announce that Dick Oliver Ltd, have offered to sponsor a race at the Newton Abbot meeting on 19th October for TPSA. Over 5000 people are expected to attend.
In addition to a programme article, there will be tannoy announcements and we will have 5 people helping with a “bucket collection”. Please do come along and support the event, discounted tickets are available on line.