Latest PSA Testing Event 3rd May

Latest PSA Testing Event 3rd May

On Wednesday 3rd May we held our third Prostate Health Awareness and PSA testing event in 12 months during which time we have tested over 800 men. With typically 8% of men being advised to speak to their GP that is a significant number of lives potentially saved and at very least given scores of men more treatment options. Without the sterling efforts of Wendy Symonds and her team from Cornwall Prostate Health Awareness together with our long standing supporters from the Rotary Club of Preston (Torbay) who provide manpower and much needed financial support, of course the TPSA Trustees and supporters and last but my no means least Ellyse and Cyrus from the Urology team in Torbay none of this would be possible. A massive thankyou to all.

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Serving men of all ages and their family and friends, through a programme of support before, during and after diagnosis.

Maybe you can live without a PSA Test… But why take the chance?

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