Events & Activities

Just to let you know that hopefully tomorrow ( Tuesday 25th February) ITV Westcountry News 6pm, will be covering the subject of Prostate Cancer from a patient's (my) point of view, what support is needed and changes that need to be made. Not sure what...

We are delighted to welcome Richard Scheffer to our next meeting on Wednesday 26th February at the Livermead House Hotel, Torquay, 10 am for a 10.30 start. Richard was recently a patient representative on a study called 'Articulate Pro', this is an evaluation of a clinical...

A very worthwhile event to attend on World Cancer Day. We had a number of people say they would like to attend our next meeting. In addition there were some excellent networking opportunities. Kevin Foster former MP for Torbay and his wife Hazel visited our...

Just a heads up for our next meeting on 26th February at the Livermead House Hotel, 10.00 am for 10 30 start. Many of you will have heard in the press today about a nationwide study that is about to commence with breast cancer patients and...

TPSA are supporting this event for World Cancer Day. Raising awareness of Prostate Cancer and the support we offer. Please circulate within your network,and pop in and say hello if you can. ...

A great turn out for our third New Year lunch. Lots of great conversations. Look forward to seeing you back at the Livermead on Wednesday 26th February for our first speaker meeting of 2025....

In addition to the support available in TPSA from our Family and Friends team, there is a National Prostate Cancer Partners' Support Group, run by Janet Daykin & Caroline Prance. The dates for 2025 are :- Tuesday 28th January Monday 17th March Tuesday 29th April Monday 16th June Tuesday 22nd July Monday...

We were delighted to have Rohan Davidson come to speak to us from Torbay Carer Services. The topic was close to many people’s hearts which was demonstrated by the strong turnout and range of questions and open interaction. Rohan has shared the following links that may...

Those of you that attended the online Urology presentation by Seamus MacDermott will know just how excellent it was. For those not able to attend below is the link to the recording. There was a problem with the Q&A and there was an interesting question...

The next Medicine for Members meeting takes place at 5pm on Tuesday 12 November 2024 in TREC, Torbay Hospital. Medicine for Members is a free health talk covering a different topic and area of health each session. Hosted by our clinical professionals, information is provided on...

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Serving men of all ages and their family and friends, through a programme of support before, during and after diagnosis.

Maybe you can live without a PSA Test… But why take the chance?

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