Author: Trevor Wykes

March in the UK is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. In TPSA its EVERY month. Below are some interesting links in the media highlighting Prostate Cancer issues: [button size='' style='' text='ITV News 4/3/24' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin=8px 4px 8px 4px''] [button size='' style='' text='PCUK TV Appeal' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin=8px 4px 8px 4px''] [button size='' style='' text='Macmillan' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin=8px 4px 8px 4px''] [button size='' style='' text='Cancer Research UK' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin=8px 4px 8px 4px'']

We had an excellent presentation by Hollie Campbell from the Bladder & Bowel Care Service yesterday, it was a well attended meeting, very informative with lots of interaction with supporters' questions and answers, we were impressed how Hollie enabled an open discussion about a subject...

  A timely reminder that at our next meeting will be on Wednesday 28th February at the Livermead House Hotel (10.00 for 10 30 start) our guest speaker will be from the NHS Bladder & Bowel care service. Hope to see you there. Below is a link...

We are pleased to share that for the first time we have produced these information cards, detailing meetings we have planned for the year, as well as useful contact numbers. A big thanks to Trustees Gill & Mike Clay . These will be available to...

Trustees Ian Nightingale and Trevor Wykes attended today's official opening of the Urology Investigations Unit at Paignton Hospital. We got to see the Chair and Scanning Equipment that TPSA purchased on behalf of the unit, together with the recovery/rest room where we cover the cost...

Follow Eastenders' Alfie Moon's prostate cancer storyline on the PCUK website (latest episode 30th January), updates so far have covered his diagnosis, prostatectomy, further treatment to clear some remaining cancer cells with radiation and hormone therapy; urinary incontinence etc. Each update has some excellent further information...

Nice article in the Herald Express publicising our 25th Anniversary meal on the 17th January....

Many thanks to all who organised the meal today which also celebrated our 25th Anniversary of the founding of our association by the late Peter Hosking. It was great to see Josie his wife there along with his daughter Debbie who is carrying on her...

The Trustees of TPSA would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and hope as TPSA celebrates it's 25th anniversary that 2024 is a good one for you all....

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Helping Raise Awareness & funds for specialist prostate cancer related equipment

Serving men of all ages and their family and friends, through a programme of support before, during and after diagnosis.

Maybe you can live without a PSA Test… But why take the chance?

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